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The Power of Psychedelics

Classic psychedelics (mescaline, LSD, psilocybin, and DMT) are a family of naturally occurring compounds that effect the serotonin network in our brain. Psychedelics alter or unravel our sense of reality and of the self in ways that can be truly profound and life altering. Every psychedelic journey is unique and deeply personal. These experiences can leave lasting effects that can persist for months, years, even a lifetime. 


How are psychedelics beneficial?


The therapeutic value of psychedelics is largely due to neuroplasticity. During a psychedelic experience different regions of the brain begin communicating in ways they normally don't. One common direct result of this is synesthesia or the mixing up of sensory modalities, such as being able to feel sound or hear color, that is a common element of a psychedelic experience. Essentially, this creates a lot of new neural connections in the brain and these new connections will stay connected for several days to weeks following the experience. 


The creation and strengthening of new neural connections is the process of neuroplasticity and this is the process through which we change. In this way psychedelics are a catalyst for change because they provide one with an ample amount of new neural connections to take advantage of to bring about major change. Psychedelics are not a cure or fix for anything. Rather they are a catalyst for change that allow people to more easily make the changes necessary to become free of their conditions. 


The nature of a psychedelic experience also has a large role to play. This is far less understood scientifically, but a psychedelic experience often has a way of providing clarity on what changes one wants to make in their life, what roadblocks are in the way currently, as well as the underlying values and motivation to make the change.  Each experience is unique, yet it often plays a large role in change as well.  


The classic psychedelics also have an amazing property of being almost unbelievably safe. Even in doses 100+ times an effective dose there is no physiological risk from these substances. The effects seem to be almost completely limited to the brain. This is something unheard of with pretty much every other drug. Additionally, despite common narrative around psychedelics, they have virtually zero risk of addiction. They can be used in a recreational way, but psychedelics are not habit forming. 


I seek to help those individuals who have made the decision to pursue psychedelics on their own. The reality is still that these substances are not yet readily available within a clinical environment, but there are many people who are desperate for help. My goal is to help ensure that you go into your psychedelic experience safely, educated, supported, and confident. As well as support you through the integration work following your experience so that you can fully capitalize on the advantages provided you in the process of change. 


I personally have a lot of experience with psychedelics, and they have played a major role in my journey. There are many aspects of a psychedelic experience that are simply impossible to describe accurately with language. You can read all of the available literature and do all the research, but you really don't know what you're getting into until you've arrived. I believe working with an experienced coach who has been through both amazingly wondrous experiences as well as extremely challenging and scary experiences can best prepare you for your own journey. 

Psilocybin Mushrooms - The power of psychedelics
Psychedelic Integration

Psychedelic Integration

What is psychedelic integration and why is it important? 


Returning to everyday life following a psychedelic experience can prove to be very challenging for some. You can return a changed person or with a significantly altered perspective. Yet, the rest of the world has not changed with you, suddenly leaving you feeling out of place wanting to make changes to your circumstances. This is where the work of integration begins. 


Psychedelic integration is taking what was learned or realized during a psychedelic experience and applying it to your life. This application can represent a wide array of things, it is always unique to the person and the experience. This could be implementing changes of some kind, further self-exploration or growth around a specific topic, seeking further knowledge, or rebuilding existing or building new relationships. What is needed may be immediately clear or time may be needed to become clear. Whatever path psychedelics might lead you down it is always toward self-growth, self-improvement, or becoming a better person in some way. This is definitely not the path of least resistance but can lead to work of the most rewarding variety. 


How can working with a neuroplasticity coach help me?


A neuroplasticity coach can help to ensure a positive psychedelic experience in a number of ways. Firstly, I can help you to prepare for an upcoming experience. Planning for set and setting, mindset, preparation, trip safety, etc. are all things a coach can help you prepare for. Also, to understand what will be happening at the neurological level. Secondly, following your experience I will provide a safe space for you to discover the deeper personal meanings behind what you experienced. I do not seek to instill my own interpretation or meaning, only help you to explore your own personal meaning. Additionally, I can help you to capitalize on the increased neuroplasticity and bring about any desired changes in your life that may come from your experience. Change is hard and the support of a coach can help to give you the needed momentum forward, especially in the beginning. Without the integration work the benefits of psychedelics will quickly fade. 


What makes a neuroplasticity coach different from the many psychedelic gurus, shamans, guides, etc. out there?


The real difference is the absence of my own personal agenda or beliefs. I will not try to steer you or your understanding in any way. I'm not going to share what I think anything means or what I think you should do. I only facilitate you in gaining your own personal understanding of your experience and what you want to do with it. Additionally, I am not facilitating the psychedelic experience itself. I can help you prepare and integrate what you experienced following, but I do not participate in the psychedelic experience itself. I believe this should be practiced in whatever way feels right to you. I offer the support before and after that many of the other practitioners in the field of psychedelics do not. They often facilitate an experience and then send you on your way to figure it out on your own. 


The coach does not provide nor aid in procurement of psychedelic substances. Additionally, the coach does not administer psychedelic substances through therapy, ceremony, or otherwise. The client is solely responsible for being knowledgeable of the laws concerning psychedelic substances in their local jurisdiction. Any and all legal risk from obtaining, possessing, or consuming psychedelic substances is accepted by the client alone. As such, the coach will not be held liable for any prosecution from breaking any applicable laws. 


"People have to go out of their mind before they can come to their senses"

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