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Total Health & Wellness

Is to be healthy and well simply mean to exist free of disease? I believe that is only part of the picture. We are complex multi-faceted individuals, each of us with a unique recipe of what it means to thrive, not simply exist free of disease. Whether it's physical health, mental health, social health, spiritual health, or any additional aspect of health each of these affects all the others. To thrive we must employ a holistic view of health to account for all variables at play. 


I have seen time and again the large role that mental health can play in our physical health. Our minds are extremely powerful and able to bring about real physical changes in our bodies and our lives. Through neuroplasticity we can create significant changes in the physical body. This might be hard to understand or seem like magic, but when viewed through a neuroscience lens it is easily explained through very real neurobiological processes. The intuitive understanding of this has been contained within the ancient esoteric teachings since long before recorded history. Is this a knowledge only relegated to a select few or is it a knowledge that was lost by the majority at some point in time? Regardless of the answer, it is a knowledge that is here for the taking and is now being backed up with current neuroscience.  


When armed with an understanding of neuroplasticity, even in today's modern world it is possible to live a life of total health and wellness. A life of happiness, love, and joy. A life of purpose and meaning. A life free of disease. A life of inner calm and peace. You have everything you need to live this life already. It is there for the taking.  

Thrive instead of survive
Change - From Struggle to Thrive

From Struggle to Thrive

What is the secret to changing your life from struggling to thriving? This "secret" is changing what you do, behaving in a different way, and thinking and feeling differently. Change is hard, there's just no getting around this, especially at the onset. It requires breaking existing habits and creating new ones, literally reconfiguring neurons in the brain, weakening existing neural circuits and strengthening new ones.  


How can working with a neuroplasticity coach help you? As a neuroplasticity coach I can help you to thoroughly understand the process of change in the brain, nervous system, and body, and why it is hard. With this understanding I can help you to develop a plan of action that accounts for and works with how your brain functions. I can teach you tools and techniques to help you make change easier to achieve and make it last. By putting emphasis on the power of the mind to help heal and repair the body I can help to make the process of change easier. Most physical disease or mental health issues are much more complex than just a poor diet, lack of exercise, or a chemical imbalance. Most of the time our mental health has a large role to play in physical disease and vice-versa physical health often plays a large role in poor mental health. The sure way to reverse any disease or issue is by addressing all potential causes, both physical and mental. Practices such as deep relaxation, self-compassion, emotional work, a healthy diet, and exercise are all potent medicine with no co-pay or negative side-effects! 


"Wellness, I came to realize, will not happen by accident. It must be a daily practice, especially for those of us who are more susceptible to the oppressiveness of the world."

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