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Blog Introduction_Edited


Welcome everyone to the Esoteric Wellness blog. So, I'm starting this project as a way of kind of condensing my time, my effort into one kind of key project. So as far as content and creation, I'm doing the Esoteric Wellness Podcast, which isn't going away. That's going to remain. But I'm also doing a lot of stuff on like YouTube videos, social media content, and it's just I'm realizing. It doesn't feel that efficient like I'm spending a lot of time and not getting a lot of reach or benefit, and I've also found myself kind of chasing the likes, the views and all that social media stuff that sucks you in and I don't like that. I want to focus on just creating high quality content that can help people that people can find useful. And I think it's going to work out better if it's just in one central location. I'm not posting it here, there and everywhere else. This is gonna be easier to find the time and energy to do that if it's more focused.

So, this is intended to be a complement to the Esoteric Wellness Podcast, which, like I said, isn't going anywhere. But as you guys have probably noticed, if you are regular listeners of the show, it takes a lot of time to put an episode together. A lot of research, planning, logistics, scheduling, and especially now we're having guests coming on the show. It just. You know, escalates the time required to put all that together and I love doing it. I'm never going to stop. But I also want to be putting out content more regularly. That's shorter in format, you know, not a 2-hour podcast episode, but a quick snippet of whatever's on my mind, essentially so the scope of what's going to be included in this blog is wide and far reaching. And as far as frequency, I’m not going to make any commitments to a specific frequency yet. That might happen at some point in the future. We'll just see how it kind of works. But I'm thinking weekly, maybe multiple in the week, just depending on what time I have available and what's on my mind.

As far as format, I think audio is really easy and I can quickly, with AI, make a transcript. So, if you prefer to read, that'll be an option. I'll probably do some videos as well here and there, and maybe in some actual writing of articles and whatnot at some point, but I think audio is quick, easy. And it's just convenient for me in that way.

So yeah, I hope this works out. I hope you find this useful. You find this hopefully more useful than what I've been doing and thanks again for checking us out. Thanks for being here. Stay tuned for more.

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ADAPT Certified Funcional Health Coach (A-CFHC)


I am not a licensed medical physician. As a coach I am not providing health care, medical, or therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. 

The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen.

Do not disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of information you read on this website. Do not start or stop any medications without speaking to your medical or mental health provider.

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