Is Wellness More Difficult for Women?
In many ways, yes, it is absolutely more difficult for women to create and maintain physical wellness. The body of a woman is capable of creating and growing life within it. To make this possible women's bodies are more complex than that of men. There are many more variables to take into account and these variables aren't static, changing throughout the cycles of a woman's life. This can mean that what might work today or used to work can suddenly not work any longer. Meanwhile, men can stick to relatively the same methods of maintaining physical wellness for a majority of their lives. Additionally, the physical effects of pregnancy and raising children can drastically change physical needs and the current state of health.
Beyond the physical reasons, women are very often primary caregivers for family and loved ones, prioritizing the wellbeing of others above their own. This selflessness, although admirable, can make their own wellbeing an afterthought until issues arise that can no longer be ignored. Additionally, there are significant societal pressures in the areas of physical appearance, healthcare, and self-care for women specifically.
In short, for everyone, creating and maintaining wellness in the world we live in today is no easy task. For women the struggle is all too real and ever changing.

Wellness is Still Within Reach
Although achieving and maintaining your health may be more difficult it is still within reach. Instead of fighting against them, embrace your unique challenges as a woman. By learning to work in unison with the natural cycles of your body you can achieve wellness, listening to your body and giving it what it needs. I believe that it is because of these unique challenges that in many ways women are stronger and more resilient.
How can working with a health coach help you to achieve wellness, especially one who is a man?
I bring a foundational understanding of women's health and their unique health needs, specifically from a functional medicine perspective. I seek to understand your unique and personal set of circumstances and challenges. Wellness is a summation of many distinct aspects, if any one of these is neglected it can disrupt everything else. I focus on the holistic approach needed, getting to the root of the issue rather than just one or more symptoms. I help you to become more in touch with your body and mind so that you can work as one unified individual.
When coaching is done right, the coach does not bring into a session their personal perspectives, biases, and opinions. This is actually one of the hardest skills to master as a coach. Therefore, the personal aspects of the coach do not affect their ability to coach across gender, race, culture, politics, religion, etc. This, for me, has become one of my favorite aspects of coaching. Facilitating a conversation using coaching methods allows us to bypass the barriers to communication and connection that may be present in normal conversation or to a conversation even occurring. So, I meet you where you are with the same curiosity and respect as I would any other client.

"It's long time we started focusing on the solutions that actually keep women healthy, instead of using basic aspects of women's health as a tool of cultural, moral, and political control."